What is Ask Vinnie?

I spend a good deal of my days thinking, reading, and talking about data, technology, philosophy, and psychology. Every so often I stumble upon little nuggets of knowledge, but most of the time I leave with more questions than I started.

Ask Vinnie is a platform where I can further explore these interests. At best, it’s an attempt to answer my own questions. And at worst, it’s a bunch more stray thoughts going in no particular direction.

Okay, and who is Vinnie?

*record scratch* *freeze frame* Yup, that’s me. You’re probably wondering how I ended up in this situation.

I spent most of my professional life working with data in the broadest sense of the word: from greenfield architecture setups up to telling the client why a pie chart is a horrible idea. I’m currently busy revamping Data Engineering at Staffbase, a Germany-based employee communication platform.

Outside of work, you’ll likely find me trying weird fermentation experiments (and usually failing) in my home kitchen, reading on my couch, writing for this newsletter, or out and about.

And what will Vinnie write about?

In no particular order:

  • Essays on philosophy and my personal philosophies

  • Think-pieces on data, technology, and data teams

  • Meta-ramblings on navigating the creative process

  • The occasional how-to in cloud architecture or data engineering

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Musings on tech, data, philosophy, and the absence thereof.


Probably thinking about food, or wondering why my 3rd attempt at kimchi started growing mold.